All throughout the United States, coffee shops are flourishing. After all, coffee is a commodity consumed by a great many people, with nearly one third of the adult population of the United States drinking coffee at least occasionally and up to half of this population drinking coffee on a daily basis. In fact, the daily coffee drinker will have an average of just over three cups of coffee over the course of just one 24 hour period.
There are many reasons to drink coffee, after all. For many people, coffee provides a great source of energy and alertness for the early morning, something that is shown quite clearly by the fact that more than 65% of all coffee will be consumed during breakfast or around that time, with another 30% consumed around lunch time, when many find that they might need some kind of pick me up to get them through the rest of their working day. Ultimately, coffee can be good for your brain in the long term as well, as having just three to five cups of coffee on a daily basis can actually help to decrease your risk of developing dementia by as much as a full 65% – which is most certainly a considerable number, to say the very least.
But where are people getting this coffee on such a frequent basis? Much of coffee consumed by the American public is actually made at home, something that is backed up by data that shows that more than 85% of all regular coffee drinkers will make at least one cup of their daily coffee in their own home. This can save both money and time, but is not ideal for every coffee drinking experience or even every coffee drinker. There are times when going to a coffee shop is a must.
For one thing, coffee shops can increase the overall amount of revenue that they bring in simply by offering a variety of specialty coffee beverages. With up to half of all people throughout the United States consuming specialty coffee drinks like cappuccinos, lattes, and espresso – and even iced coffee – on a regular basis, the small coffee shop can establish itself as important and vital for offering such beverages. After all, most people do not easily know how to make – or even have the equipment to make – such drinks.
Of course, the average coffee shop should be offering regular drip coffee as well. In addition to this coffee, having both sugar and cream is important, as the presence of sugar and cream allow coffee drinkers to customize their beverage to their liking. After all, both sugar and cream are popular additions to drip coffee no matter where you might live in the United States. In fact, as many as 65% of all coffee drinkers will add both cream and sugar in some amount to their drip coffee, while only around 35% of all coffee drinkers will forgo both cream and sugar and drink their coffee black. Many coffee shops even offer more than one type of cream and more than one type of sugar, as different types of sugar and cream will be essential for different diets and eating habits that people might be following. Therefore, offering options when it comes to cream and sugar is a great way to make a name for oneself as an independent coffee shop here in the United States.
Offering some food items, such as hot soup, is another great way that coffee shops can bring in more customers. Hot soup in hot soup containers has become a particularly popular offering at many a coffee shop, as up to 10 billion bowls of soup are eaten all throughout the United States alone over the course of just one year. In addition to bowls of soup, bakery items and sandwiches are also commonly found at the average coffee shop, as too are bags of chips and other small and packaged snacks that are easy to grab and go with. This is quite essential, as many people are looking to get their coffee to go, thus necessitating the need for items like white disposable coffee cups at the typical coffee shop as well.