Peanuts, peanut products, and recipes for peanuts alike have long been popular household staples in nearly every home in all parts of the United States. In fact, surveys and statistics have shown that as many as ninety percent of households have at least one jar of peanut butter and that the average person living in the United States will consume as much as six pounds of peanuts each year through the use of peanut products and recipes for peanuts. In just one year, nearly thirty million metric tons of peanuts are produced around the world – proving that not only are peanuts popular in the United States, but that they are often a global staple. Popular recipes for peanuts are common in many other countries, and many of these recipes for peanuts are considered to be traditional dishes.
There are many reasons why peanut snacks and peanut dishes – all types of recipes for peanuts – are so popular. For one, they taste good and are immensely versatile. Take peanut butter, for example. One jar of peanut butter typically contains at least five hundred and forty peanuts (as, in order to be classified as peanut butter, standards say that the jar needs to be at least ninety percent made up of peanuts) and can be used as a spread for toast, pancakes, and waffles. Peanut butter is often used in peanut butter sandwiches as well, and can even be incorporated into a number of savory sauces as well as sweet desserts (after all, who doesn’t love a peanut butter cookie?).
Peanut oil is another common peanut product and is used in the cooking process for many different dishes and recipes for peanuts. For instance, peanut oil is commonly used to cook various stir fry variations but can be used to cook practically anything and is a popular oil for frying. Some people even use peanut oil as part of their hair care routine, as it has been shown to have a beneficial impact on overall hair health. Peanut oil has become a pantry staple for many households in part because of its long shelf life – if tightly sealed and kept in a cool and dark place, peanut oil is likely to keep for up to six months – or even as long as a year.
Peanut products and peanut recipes often provide a number of health benefits as well. Even just snacking on peanuts can be ideal, as one ounce of dry raw peanuts has seven grams of essential protein. Just eating a few handfuls of peanuts a day can help you to easily meet the protein requirements that you should be. Consuming peanuts and peanut products can also lead to increased levels of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, as well as folate, magnesium, zinc, iron, and calcium, as found in a study done on fifteen thousand people that monitored their peanut consumption.
Many people – parents in particular – are considered about peanut allergies when utilizing recipes for peanuts or offering peanuts as a snack, as peanuts, along with shellfish, tree nuts, and eggs, fish, wheat, and soy, cause ninety percent of food allergies in the United States. Fortunately, however, the chance of your child developing a serious food allergy, particularly to peanuts, is still extremely low. In fact, studies have shown that as much as ninety eight percent of the general population does not need to worry about peanut consumption, as consuming peanuts is perfectly safe. While it is always a good idea to be on the lookout for allergies when first introducing foods to a baby (and many doctors will recommend waiting until the age of one before introducing common allergens), it is not something to be afraid of, as it is still unlikely that your child will have an allergy, particularly a severe one.
Peanuts are a food enjoyed by many, either as a snack on their own or as a peanut product, such as peanut butter. Peanuts are not only delicious but offer many nutritional benefits to those who regularly consume and enjoy them .