Three Amazing Twists on the Classic Flan Recipe You Have to Try

Best recetas fáciles recipe

Flan is one of the most popular postres in Latin America and Spain. This creamy custard dessert’s rich sweetness is perfect for any occasion — a light breakfast, tea time, after dinner.

Typically, flan is made with a mixture of eggs, milk, and sugar baked in a mold with caramel, but that’s not the only flan recipe out there. Here are a few other recetas de comidas you need to know about.

An Orange Twist.

Who doesn’t love the way the creaminess of a vanilla custard dances with the sweet, tang of orange? To add this citrusy twist, toss in about one-third cup of freshly squeezed orange juice, and two and a half tablespoons of orange zest to your recipe.

Almond Chocolate.

Chocolate lovers rejoice. This mixture of chocolate cake, dulce de leche, and flan is made by pouring chocolate batter over a layer of dulce de leche, and then having the custard layered on top. Some may say that this recipe is too good to be true, which you may agree with once you taste it for yourself.

A Mango Cheesecake Punch.

Mangos and cheesecake are delicious on their own, but when combined with caramel custard, your tongue will be beaten by deliciousness. To make this heavenly dessert, add a mango puree (a blend of four mangos, two tablespoons of granualted sugar, two tablespoons of water, and two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice), and eight-ounces of softened cream cheese to the mixture. The mango obviously adds the flavor, and the cream cheese provides cheesecake like texture and taste.

Classic flan is great and all, but why not mix it up? These flan recipes will surely be a big hit with whomever you serve them to… if you share them at all!

If you have any questions about these flan recipes or know of any other great ones, feel free to share in the comments.

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