Eating out at restaurants all throughout the United States is a common activity among many people of all different ages and all different backgrounds. Eating out, particularly in the realm of fine dining, has even seen an increase by as much as 3% in recent years, something that shows that more and more people are eating out now than ever before. After all, eating out is a great way to experience some much needed time with loved ones and friends and can be a great way to take a break from some of the stresses of life, such as cooking after you have already had a long day at work or at home with the kids or whatever the case may be.
Of course, one of the biggest joys of eating out lies in the food, the potential to experience new cuisines and fall in love with them. Therefore, especially when it comes to fine dining, the quality of the food that a restaurant produces is a hugely important thing, perhaps more important than any other aspect of the restaurant at all. The flavor of the food is critical, of course, but so too is the presentation of the food. We do, after all, eat with our eyes first.
And here is where organic micro greens come into play. Uses for microgreens have been around for at least 20 years now, though some actually estimate that it is closer to 30. Organic micro greens tend to be of a particularly high quality but all micro greens, organic micro greens or not, can be successfully implemented into many different dishes. Organic micro greens can add a little bit of color and texture to a plate, something that is more than ideal in many cases, as adult diners tend to prefer at least three colors and components of food on their plates (children, on the other hand, prefer far more – sometimes even as many as six or seven in just one meal).
And organic micro greens are far from the only type of small edible plant. After all, the art of crystallized flowers is used for many a dish, specifically for dessert dishes. And varieties of edible flowers and plants like organic micro greens (of which there are more than 100 known varieties of at the current date) can be used in everything from pasta dishes to luxurious and filling salads. Edible flowers used as teas are also common (though organic micro greens, for instance, are certainly not used for this particular purpose).
Organic micro greens, in order to use them to the best of their potential, must be of a very high quality to begin with and then must be stored in a very specific way in order to avoid the deterioration of these organic micro greens prematurely. First, the organic micro greens must be ranked on a scale of 1 to 5. If an organic micro green receives a rating of 1, that means that the quality of it is very poor. A ranking of 5, on the other hand, means that the quality of the organic micro greens in question is actually quite high. However, anything that has been ranked below a 3 (or even at a 3) will typically not be able to be used in any given restaurant setting.
With the organic micro greens that have been deemed usable, it is important to protect them with proper storage methods until they are actually taken out and used. Ideally, these organic micro greens will be stored separately from other foods in their own sealed container. In addition to this, the temperature that they are stored at is also of a huge importance, as it should be kept at just over 39 degrees Fahrenheit. If it dips too low, such as to 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the risk for the decline of the product is possible, as the leaves of microgreens can actually turn brown or black when they are stored in such conditions, thus rendering the organic micro greens in question unusable.