We are a nation full of people who need to find a way to lead a healthier lifestyle. From incorporating healthy organic micro greens into a diet that increasingly relies on healthy vegetables and salads to finding a way to work a daily exercise routine into the daily schedule, an increasing number of Americans are trying to change their current habits.
From the fresh delivery companies that ship prepared ingredients to families who are trying to eat more meals at home to the farmer’s markets that are catering to the public’s desire for edible flowers and plants and organic micro greens, a shift in the diets of American’s could help the nation live a healthier life.
Have your eating habits changed lately? Are you moving toward meal plans that rely more on vegetables and fruits and away from high protein meals? Have the recipes that you are using included items like organic micro greens and edible blossoms? As more and more Americans make an effort to change both their diet and exercise habits, consumers are looking for the resources that they need to find healthy ingredients.
Consider some of these facts and figures about some growing trends in both restaurants and home kitchens:
- 100 types of common garden flowers that are both palatable and edible.
- Although they may just know be catching the attention of more and more people, micro greens have actually been around for 20 to 30 years.
- 10% of total U.S. restaurant sales are from the upscale segment of the restaurant industry.
- $28.55 is the average fine dining cost per person in the U.S.
- Households with incomes of $100,000 or higher are responsible for 36% of the total spending on food away from home, ccording to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
- The fact that thousands, if not millions, more Americans dining in upscale restaurants means that visits to fine-dining restaurants were up 3% in the past year.
Whether you are looking at micro greens and edible flowers for decoration or as a way to move toward a healthier diet, finding a resource for these items is essential.